Francesca da Rimini

“When as we read of the much-longed-for smile
Being by such a noble lover kissed,
This one, who ne’er from me shall be divided,

Kissed me upon the mouth all palpitating.
Galeotto was the book and he who wrote it.
That day no farther did we read therein.”

(Longfellow 1867)

The myth of Francesca da Rimini, first narrated by Dante, explodes in the Enlightenment and Romanticism when she is portrayed as a woman who is no longer a sinner but an innocent victim of deceptions and violence, an emblem of beauty, freedom and courage: faithful until death to the man she was led to believe she was to marry..

A warrior Francesca, whose mission, even today, when over fifty thousand women are killed every year by close companions or family members and twelve million underage young women are forced to marry, is yet to be accomplished.
On March 8, 2021, “Francesca day”, all the day long, Francesca da Rimini , the most well-known and beloved character of the Comedy, will be celebrated all over the world, just on the International Women’s Day.

Reference source: F. Farina. Storia di un mito. Letteratura, teatro, arti visive e musica tra XIV e XXI secolo, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli, 2019.

Guiding image of

Guiding image of

graphic elaboration of
Auguste Rodin, The kiss, or Paolo e Francesca, 1887.

Guiding image of
FRANCESCA2021 a tribute to Dante Alighieri in the VII century of his death ?and to Francesca, worldwide heroine of love passion

Elaborazione grafica da
Gustave Doré, Paolo e Francesca, disegno preparatorio della tavola
“Poeta volentieri” dell’Inferno. Inchiostro a guazzo bianco su carta, 1861.
Strasburgo, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain